Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mason's Registration

Just after the one day workshop on supply chain stregthening in the presence of DM, Amit Mehrotra PO UNICEF, CDO, DDO, DPRO, etc. registration of masons has been done. The procedure followed
*Advertisement in Newspaper (Block wise, Date wise)
*Formation of selection committee
*Examination of masons on 6 questions (Tick mark)
*Orientation of masons by resource persons
*Payment to masons of TA Rs.100/- per registered mason

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Global Hand Washing Day With Street Children

I have collected the children from a Basti living in the huts on the road side with the help of Ashish Pathak from a local volunteer organisation Drashti. I have given them the soaps and washed their hands on the occasion of Glaobal Hand Washing Day on 27.10.09

Global Hand Washing Day Celebration 27.10.09

As decided by the UNICEF UP and Panchayatiraj to celebrate Global Hand Washing Day in Sonebhadra, DM Sonebhadra Pandhari Yadav IAS directed to the department of Panchayati Raj, Education and all BDOs to celebrate the same at every school of the district. CDO Kailash Prakash, DPRO Ram Ratan Yadav, ABSA, DPC Anil Kesari, ADO(P), Pradhan Smt Krasna Devi along with hundreds of school children celebrate it at Primary School Pusauli GP Badauli. DM in charge washed the hands of children present at the event. Hand washing facility has been created in this school under TSC.